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In anticipation of their fifth album Beyond Beyond Beyond, The Crane Wives brought their album release tour to Montreal at the Fairmount Theatre. While originally set to play at La Sala Rossa, eager fans rapidly sold out the folk rock group’s Montreal and Toronto shows prompting upgraded venues. The atmosphere was overwhelmingly welcoming and joyous inside the Fairmount Theater on this night as the crowd could be seen happily vibing to the music over the sound system. Before the opener Rachel Bobbitt began, drummer Dan Rickabus came to the mic and introduced Bobbitt with an icebreaker (which fruit is she? to which she answered a clementine) and heartily encouraged the audience to support her music. With striking vocals and heartfelt lyrics, Bobbitt delivered a lovely set that stole the audience’s hearts. She remarked later how kind The Cranes Wives fans were as she had fans rushing up to complement her music once her set ended.

The Crane Wives came out to a room brimming with excitement; kicking off with their most recent releases off of their anticipated upcoming album Beyond Beyond Beyond. It was clear their songs emotionally resonated with their audience – the room singing along passionately and soaking up the music. The full album release is scheduled for September 6 with the band still on the road touring into the fall with stops throughout the United States. Enjoy the photo gallery linked in just below of the concert in Montreal on July 17th at The Fairmount Theater. Be sure to follow The Crane Wives on Instagram for future updates and more photos @TheCraneWives.

Article & Photos By Lucia Vinson (